Literally speaking, consistent performance is the quality of always performing in a similar way or to a similar extent each time someone performs. For example: finishing the race first each time you participate is consistent performance. You could also define it as achieving a similar feat each time you perform or each time you do something. When we’re consistent, it means we’re dedicated to carrying an activity or completing a task. It means we’re clear on what we want to accomplish and are taking the necessary steps to reach it.
You’re focused on the outcome rather than the process. This is not to say that the outcome is not important, but if we become fixated on outcome, it will work against us, no matter how compelling. Why? Because any outcome compelling enough to excite you is probably one that won’t be achieved without hard work and sacrifice over a long period of time. Without certain processes in place to help us, most of us aren’t able to maintain the effort needed to accomplish these outcomes.

We all know about routines. They are difficult to follow but ensure your consistency. If you have a routine where you work on ‘hard things’ regularly, you stop thinking about its complexity, for example: we take bath every day without thinking about how boring it is, this the power of routines. However good our routines are there’s a very high possibility that we stop following it after sometime. For your routine to be successful you need to make sure you follow it even if you don’t feel like. You need to endure this until your goals are achieved. The hardest part is to follow your routine diligently no matter what happens. In case of a daily routine, have realistic goals which you can achieve in one day rather than having a goal which you cannot accomplish in a day. This is done to preserve motivation because when you fail to achieve the daily goal, a defeated feeling prevails in your mind which is unhealthy.
To achieve consistency, you have to make sure you don’t waiver from your goals and push through all of the distractions, which is easier said than done. Out of these distractions, the excuses which pop up in your mind are the most harmful to your goals. Imagine this scenario where you’re halfway into your homework or work or workout, and suddenly thoughts of procrastinating pop up in your mind and then you end up not completing your work and all of the effort you put into completing half of your work becomes meaningless. Will power is one of the most integral parts required to achieve consistency. There are a lot of things which come in the way of your objectives. In order to conquer these obstacles, we need an immense amount of persistence and will power. Your will power will determine how consistent you can be. A huge amount of will power is utilised in maintaining consistency along with a lot of mental preparation and commitment towards your goals. Will power helps you endure in the times of hopelessness and distraction which could be fatal to one’s goals if not careful.

In simple terms, being focused means being fully engaged in the task at hand. It means quietening our tendency to waste mental, spiritual, and emotional energy worrying about past or future things — none of which we have the ability to control. For example: as the author I should only worry about the blog and not things like “What if nobody likes this post?”, “What if readers discover grammatical errors?” or “What if someone doesn’t like something I wrote?” etc. These thoughts lead to wastage of will power and motivation.
When we are uninspired or don’t want to do something, but you know doing it will take you closer, just do it, because once you overcome your mood, inspiration will come on its own. Just try finishing it and as you keep enduring through these uninteresting times your mind will get used to it. I recall incidents where I had assignments due the next day and every time I felt really unmotivated to finish my assignments, but I somehow managed to complete them and now I finish my assignments before my due date appears because my mind has got used to this set up and I no longer feel as unmotivated as before.
To be consistent you have to make sure that you recognize when you don't reach the standards and goals that you've set. Instead of being an optimist become a realist, who is open to the truth no matter how bad it may be. Only if you’re true to yourself about your abilities, you can experience true growth. Try searching for areas which need improvement. There is no point lying about your abilities. Instead face your weaknesses and grow. Also identifying your growth rate is important. Have someone record your progress every day or every week. If you don’t have anyone else for you, do it yourself. Maintain a progress journal to record your progress and analyse your progress every week or every month according to what suits you better.
These were some general disciplines. You could follow these or you can create your own! Find joy in the process. If you’re stuck at any junction then try going back to the basics and doing it from the start or you could just refer to this post again 😉 . Just remember to enjoy the journey and don’t entirely focus on the destination.
What I need to do is make up for those weaknesses little by little. That’s where I’ll find my breakthrough. That’s what I believe.” ~Teshima Junta
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