"A minute's success pays the failure of years."
~ Robert Browning

Nobody likes to lose
Nobody likes to lose
Nobody likes to lose. Whenever we think of success, the next thought that comes to our mind is of failure.
Winning & failing are two sides of a coin. In life, both go hand in hand. How you perceive your failure and what you do after losing or failing reflects what kind of character you possess you are and the kind of attitude you have. But what makes a winner? What differentiates a winner from others? One needs to understand the mentality and attitude of people who can be called WINNERS.
Thomas Alva Edison inventedthe light bulb.
Thomas Alva Edison inventedthe light bulb.
History is replete with examples of people who have tasted massive success in their lives. But scratch the surface and look behind their success, you will see stories of failure and struggle For instance, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, J.K. Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, M S Dhoni and many others. A classic example is Steve Jobs, who was thrown out of the very company he founded. Another example is Thomas Edison, he failed 1000 times before he successfully invented the prototype light bulb. When once, a reporter asked Edison how it felt to fail 1000 times, Edison replied "I didn't fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention of a 1000 steps." These are examples of successful people who did not fear failure or think of themselves as losers when they failed. They took in failure in their stride and found ways to turn them into sources of inspiration. This is the difference between WINNERS & THE REST.
It takes courage to believe in yourself
It takes courage to believe in yourself
You may have lost but that doesn't make you a loser. You lose only when you look at yourself as a loser, as a failure. The only thing that failure destroys is your self-belief. It is very easy to envelope yourself within doubts and questions, especially after failing at something. It takes courage and audacity to believe in yourself when the going is tough. Only winners are able to learn the right lesson from their failures, rather than keep sulking at their failures. Only winners are able to pick themselves up and motivate themselves to keep going.

Winners are seekers. They are people who are always in pursuit of success or perfection. To fail is to give up, to quit. Failing is as important as winning. To know the real joy of winning, one has to fail in life. Authored by Mihir Shroff, Student at St. Joseph's Boys' High School


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